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Frontline Healthcare Worker First Responder Discount

Frontline Healthcare Worker First Responder Discount


To show our appreciation, we offer a onetime 5% discount to active first responders, healthcare and support workers who are working in hospitals, acute care facilities and long-term care facilities, and school teachers.

The order must be shipped to the address of the validated individual.

Submit the secure form below to validate that you are currently working as a first responder or a frontline healthcare worker. Once validated, an email with a discount code will be sent.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload a picture of something that shows your first name and shipping address like an ID, government letter, bank statement, utility bill, etc.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Upload a picture or file that validates your position and place of employment.

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