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High-quality barbells are a foundational piece of equipment in many professional, commercial, and home gyms across Canada. These versatile pieces of equipment are used in many classic weightlifting and strength training exercises, including Olympic lifting (snatch/clean and jerk). Whether your training routine leans heavily into squats, deadlifts, presses, curls, or any other barbell exercise, a premium set of barbells will elevate your home gym space. Trusted by athletes and bodybuilders for decades to meet their training needs, barbell weightlifting and...


Dumbbells category

There is perhaps no strength training apparatus more well known than the dumbbell. Offering unparalleled versatility and convenience, a set of adjustable dumbbells is the perfect addition to any home gym. The tiny footprint of a set of adjustable dumbbells fits just about anywhere you can imagine. Whether you have a dedicated home gym space or make do with your living room, bedroom, garage, or balcony, adjustable dumbbells make the most of whatever space you have to work with. If you are...

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